Can You Put Your Health First For Just

21 Days?

Summer will soon be over get back on track with 21 daily, bite-sized habits anyone can stick to with the

21-Day Healthy Habit Challenge!


21 intentional days so you can make-up for summer's indulgences & achieve these kinds of results:

Sustained energy throughout the day without the caffeine jitters, so you can perform better at work, at home and at play!

Enjoy better sleep at night and look forward to waking up rested and ready to embrace the day like a champ

Better digestion, improved blood sugar and more stable moods even when s**t hits the fan.

Struggling to stick to healthy habits you know would help you look, feel, and perform at your best?

You’re not alone. In fact, The United Health Foundation found in a recent study that 70% of adults in the U.S. report having at least one unhealthy habit they know they need to break… and another study showed that 61% of adults picked up bad habits over the last few years alone.

If that’s you, maybe one or more of these sound familiar…

  • You’re spending way more time in front of a screen than getting outside, or getting to sleep
  • You’re having trouble sticking to a workout routine for more than a few days, weeks, at a time
  • You are carrying a 'few' extra pounds, and deep down you know your meals aren't truly healthy, and you're 'cheats' are more like 'little habits' sprinkled regularly across your week
  • You’re reaching for the wine, beer, or treats to cope with stress after a long day
  • You are kind of feeling uncomfortable in your body, maybe stiffness, pain, that injury that won't go away
  • Your energy isn't quite keeping up, losing focus, difficulties with mental sharpness

And maybe the list goes on…

Those habits that will have you:

eating better, moving better, sleeping better, managing your stress better, and just plain feeling and performing better

That’s where the 21-Day Healthy Habit Challenge

comes in!


The 21-Day Challenge is designed to help you work healthier habits into your day and give you the accountability you need to keep the promises you make to yourself… because you deserve to reap the benefits of a happy, healthy life!

Make bite-sized shifts to create lasting results in just 21 days

When you join the challenge, you’ll get:

  • A 21-Day Habit Challenge Success Guide to help you implement brand new healthy habits and give you the tools & strategies you need to hit your goals faster
  • 21 DAILY coaching emails with easy tips to put your practices into action, keep you inspired and give you some daily support
  • A daily habit tracker to track and celebrate your consistency
  • Access to three of my exercise videos in my signature method that builds whole body strength, mobility & balance (all levels classes)
  • A 7-day delicious meal plan with accompanied grocery list that shows you exactly what a healthy diet looks and tastes like
  • A private Facebook Group with access to me and other challengers for community and extra support

Join the challenge by clicking the button below!


It only takes 21 days to feel these kinds of results:

Waking up in the morning after a great sleep, feeling alive, and looking forward to the day ahead

Finally getting clear on what healthy eating really is and being able to make the right food choices

Feeling clear headed, sharp minded and now you can actually focus in the mid-afternoon, allowing you to perform better at work!

The 21-Day Challenge is perfect for you if…

  • You are a bit timid about taking on a big health initiative or doing a major overhaul of your lifestyle
  • You are interested in making small shifts in the right places to create long term healthy changes
  • You are feeling like your mind and / or body just aren't working the same as they used to, you want change but don't know where to start
  • You’re a busy person who feels like you “don’t have time” to practice 'all the things' and you want a simple way to incorporate healthier activities into your week

(for those who are ready for the big initiatives and major overhauls, reach out to me here, I have something that will suit you perfectly)

How much are your unhealthy habits costing you?

You probably haven't taken the time to think about how much more could you accomplish every day if you felt your best, looked your best, and performed at your best because you’re consistently “filling up your tank” with healthy, daily habits. Imagine how much better you could feel.

Many of my patients and clients come to see me when they finally get fed up with the body that isn't cooperating anymore, the stiffness, the pain and the weight that just aren't going away. And the energy and memory that are slowly slipping away. It usually takes at least a couple of years (usually more) before they get to that point of realizing that they need help, and that doing it on their own just isn't producing the results. Meanwhile their situation gets progressively worse, slowly, but the symptoms add up, the energy goes down, motivation slips away, overwhelm creeps up, and the resignation sets in that this is the new normal, this is aging, and that nothing can be done really.


For only CAD$250

  • Adopt and stick to 5 fundamental healthy habits that will lead you to better health, energy, and vitality over time
  • Build confidence, resilience and momentum to crush your bigger goals because your better health allows you to show up better for yourself and in your world
  • Get the roadmap, the support and accountability you need to stay the course

That means no more worrying or thinking that you have to make big changes overnight…

Or that you’re just “not good” at eating healthy or exercising…

Or that you’ll be doomed to low energy and an extra few pounds around your waist for the rest of your life.


In just 21 days, you’ll finally be able to:

*plus applicable taxes


This is the easiest lead-in to a healthier lifestyle, perfect for after the summer!


Meet your instructor,

Lisa Beaulieu, D.Sc.O, DOMP, RHN

This challenge helps you put into action habits that support 5 of the key pillars of health without requiring a major lifestyle overhaul or even going too deep into the why, the science, etc. But, they will have a big impact. So as you turn the simple practices into habits, with my constant guidance and support, you benefit from more energy, better vitality, better moods, improved brain function, better blood sugar balance and much more. This will help you feel better and perform better so you can enjoy life a little more, and more, bit by bit. You will need to do these things sooner or later, why not now...your future health will depend on it.

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